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Competition and Karate

Competition and Karate

Caroline Hang Hong

Karate; it’s a sport isn’t it?

It’s a fair question, after all karate definitely provides exercise; training increases our heart rate and makes us sweat, builds muscle and pushes our flexibility and endurance. It also demands increasing amounts of skill which is honed over time. Surely all this defines karate as a sport?

Let’s have a look at some definitions of the noun ‘sport’:

The Oxford English Dictionary –  an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment


The Cambridge English Dictionary – a game, competition, or activity needing physical effort and skill that is played or done according to rules, for enjoyment and/or as a job


Collins Dictionary – games such as football and basketball and other competitive leisure activities which need physical effort and skill


The Global Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF) (previously Sport Accord) is the umbrella organization for all international sports federations, and has developed a definition of sport to determine whether an applicant federation qualifies as an international sports federation. The GAISF’s definition of sport contains 5 points. Number 1 is:

  1. The sport proposed should include an element of competition


All definitions agree that a sport contains an element of competition, with the GAISF placing this last element at the top of its list of definitions.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines sport more specifically as competition for entertainment. The entertainment element is also backed up through this interesting article by Leigh Steinberg for Forbes magazine entitled ‘What Defines a Sport’

So, looking at karate, yes it requires both physical effort and skill but does it contain the element of competition for entertainment?

It can, but then it becomes something different; sport karate.

Sport karate can be defined by the fact that the ultimate goal is to enter and win competitions in the public arena, and in this is it massively different from traditional karate. Most students who have seen or trained in both types of karate will understand that they are different in a number of ways.

Sport kumite has a specific set of rules that must be followed, it is dynamic in its movements, restricted in its techniques and levels of contact, and most importantly there is a clear scoring system to allow competitors to be judged against each other and ultimately decide who is ‘best’.


Sport kata allows the student to practice a wide variety of kata beyond their grade. Emphasis is on esthetics over practicality or understanding, some techniques are altered or exaggerated, and timings are formalized to add drama to the performance. In depth understanding of bunkai is not required, and if bunkai is included the emphasis is again on showcasing athletic ability over practicality.



Traditional karate by comparison is relatively solitary, low key, introspective, private, and personal. Progress is slow and steady.

In acknowledging these differences it occurred to me that an element of sport karate can quietly crossover to the dojo and traditional karate where it does not belong.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines ‘competition as – ‘The activity or condition of striving to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others’.

Defeating others’: This idea has no place in the traditional karate dojo. When you train with others, you strive to improve both them and yourself, when you spar others, you are not trying to keep score or ‘win’, you are using their movements as a learning tool to increasingly understand your own actions and limitations. When you train in kata you focus not on making it look prettier than others, but increasing your own understanding of the techniques and how your body moves effectively.

‘Superiority over others’: Could we be talking about the hierarchy; the grading system? A particular belt colour does not denote you as ‘superior’ or ‘inferior’ to others, it simply demonstrates you have attained an understanding and skill level deemed appropriate for that stage of training, it does not make you Superman or Wonder Woman, it simply marks a point in your transition from one level of understanding to another.

You should always strive to emulate the behaviors of the grade above you, but not to compete with them. Learn what they have learned, and if you occasionally accomplish something they cannot, don’t congratulate yourself too much as this can lead to over confidence, or a feeling of superiority, which reduces your ability to learn.

In turn you should always be respectful and open to lower grades, and understand they are moving towards the accomplishment of what you have just learned. Do not be threatened by this and compete with them because that will make you look back, not forward, which is guaranteed to slow your learning.

We may recognize some of these examples of what competition in the dojo looks like.

An Instructor who is in competition with his/her students may spar them a little too roughly, may belittle struggles or difficulties. They may restrict contact with other clubs or avoid official grading routes for themselves through fear of failure.

An instructor who is in competition with other clubs may grade their own students too quickly, or publicly criticize other instructors and their students.

Students who are in competition with their instructor may resist instruction beyond their own understanding, they may argue in class, they may share derogatory opinions about teaching ability with other students, and they question their instructor’s assessment of grading eligibility for themselves and fellow students.

Students who are in competition with fellow students may spar peers or lower grades roughly and cause upset or injuries, may express derogatory opinions about fellow students, may react negatively when someone grades before them.

Students who are in competition with themselves may get overly angry when they encounter difficulty, and may resist exercises they find difficult over exercises they find naturally easy, they may lack confidence in their own skills, and they may eventually talk themselves out of training altogether.


During my 19 years of training I have seen all of these competitive behaviors; some I have seen in myself, especially during my early training years.

Ask yourself who you are competing with in your karate class. Competition is part of our culture and has many uses in the right setting. But in the dojo, in a traditional setting, we should be mindful of moments when competition creeps in, and make it part of our training to change ‘The activity or condition of striving to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others’, to ‘the activity of striving to learn from and with others’.

At the beginning of each class we ask our fellow students to ‘please teach me’, not ‘please let me win’.

Traditional karate cultivates mindfulness, emotional growth and social consciousness; elements it has in common with Yoga, meditation, philosophy and volunteering in the community. Can you imagine a tournament for competitive mindfulness? Exactly, it has no place there. Enjoy competing in the ring, but keep it out of the dojo.

Caroline Hang Hong

















Club Events News Tournaments

8th SRK Winter Open Championships

Seitou Ryu Karate is proud to present one of the most exciting karate tournaments in Essex, back for it’s 8th year in a row!

The SRK Winter Open Championships is a popular event, attracting over 250+ competitors from Essex, Kent, London and beyond coming to test their skills against each other in kata and kumite.

With divisions for all levels from beginner to black belt, there is a place for everyone to come and compete!


The Gateway Academy, Marshfoot Road, Tilbury, Essex RM16 4LU (map)


Competitors check in: 9.00am

First events: 9.30am sharp!

Entry Fee

• £15 individual events

• £30 Team Kata (3 people)

All event entries and fees must be received by Sunday 15th November 2015.

Spectators fee on the door

• £5 Adults (16yrs+)

• £3 Children under 16yrs

• Under 5’s go free






Entries are done via an electronic form via your club instructors so please see them when you are placing your entries.


The event will run according to WKF rules with some slight modifications, although please refer to the information pack for full details including compulsory equipment for kumite.

Tournament Officials

We kindly ask all attending clubs to provide at least 2 officials to help out for kata/kumite judging and table officiating, if you can provide more, this would be even better of course. If there are plenty of officials between all the clubs, then we can rotate them throughout the day so they’re not overworked and to keep the judging as fair and unbiased as possible for the competitors. Officials will be provided with lunch plus free tea & coffee throughout the day for their services. There is a section on the entry form for you to write down your officials details. We thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter.


Any questions please call Richard Hang Hong on 07899 827 476 or email [email protected]


Club Events Competitions News Tournaments

8th SRK Spring Open Championships

Seitou Ryu Karate is proud to present one of the most exciting karate tournaments in Essex, back for it’s 8th year in a row!

The SRK Spring Open Championships is a popular event, attracting over 250+ competitors from Essex, Kent, London and beyond coming to test their skills against each other in kata and kumite.

With divisions for all levels from beginner to black belt, there is a place for everyone to come and compete!


Competitors check in: 9.00am

First events: 9.30am sharp!

Entry Fees

• £12 Individual Events • £20 Pairs Kata • £24 Team Kata (3 person)

All event entries and fees must be received by Sunday 19th April 2015. Entries received after this date will incur an additional £5 charge per competitor.

Spectators fee on the door

• £3 Adults (16yrs+)

• £2 Children under 16yrs

• Under 5’s go free




Keep up to date with all the exciting news on the Facebook event page here


Entries are done via an electronic form via your club instructors so please see them when you are placing your entries.


The event will run according to WKF rules with some slight modifications, although please refer to the information pack for full details including compulsory equipment for kumite.

Tournament Officials

We kindly ask all attending clubs to provide at least 2 officials to help out for kata/kumite judging and table officiating, if you can provide more, this would be even better of course. If there are plenty of officials between all the clubs, then we can rotate them throughout the day so they’re not overworked and to keep the judging as fair and unbiased as possible for the competitors. Officials will be provided with lunch plus free tea & coffee throughout the day for their services. There is a section on the entry form for you to write down your officials details. We thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter.

If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected] or call Richard Hang Hong on 07899 827 476.
