News South Ockendon Dojo

Summertime class changes

From 29th July to 26th August, the classes held on Monday’s at the South Ockendon dojo with Kim Mandy Sensei will be temporarily merged into one class. The time for the class over the summer holidays is 7pm – 8.30pm.

Children can finish at 8pm or stay on until the end if they wish. Any questions please contact Kim Mandy Sensei on 07572 868 937.

All other classes including the Friday classes held at South Ockendon dojo remain unchanged.

Club Events News

We did it!

Great news everyone!

We’re just waiting on the final bit of sponsorship money from the bike ride to come in (£20) and then we have reached our target!

We’ve already started the process of putting our order in for the new mats so fingers crossed we’ll have them in the dojos within the next 2 weeks.

A huge thanks to everyone who took part on the day and to those who sponsored our riders with your generous donations. I’m working on a little video that will go up onto our YouTube page soon. It’s taking a little longer than I thought as I’m still waiting on video footage and photos from a few people but as soon as I have it all I can get it finished and upload it for all of you to see.

The “THANK YOU” page will be up on the site in a few days so be sure to keep a look out.

Once the mats have arrived we’ll get some fun pictures of all the students in action on them!


Our fantastic riders after their 39 mile long journey through all the Seitou Ryu Karate dojos




Competitions National Squad News Squad News

National Squad make their mark

Team SRK are joined by club mascot Yoshi for a photo with all of their trophies won on the day.

Three young students from our National Squad managed to win gold, silver and bronze medals in the AMA Southern Open Karate Championships held in Clacton-on-Sea on Sunday 14th April

Emma Ludkins, 10, brother Tommy, 9 from South Ockendon and Adam Baglin, 10 from Chelmsford, beat over 20 other competitors in the 4th Kyu and below junior division for kata to secure first, second and third placings. In addition to this, Emma also secured an additional 2nd place in the girls kumite division.

Chief instructor Sensei Richard Hang Hong said;

“They have all worked incredibly hard and its great to see it pay off at events such as these. The team spirit in the squad is fantastic, and special mention must be made of our youngest and newest member Megan Homer, who at just 8 years old won her first trophy for kumite today. She only started competing last month and this was only her second time in a tournament so this was quite an achievement for her. Her parents who were watching the entire day have been very encouraging and supportive and I’m sure they are extremely proud of her success too.”

The rest of the 12 strong squad kept up the good work and brought home 15 trophies in total. Richard Hang Hong won Bronze in the Men’s Black Belt Kata, following straight into the Mixed Open Black Belt Kata event and narrowly missed out on Gold but secured a Silver trophy. Fellow Wickford students Zoe Nolan (11yrs) and Connor Frost (12yrs) both whom had just graded to brown belt in March, won Bronze and Silver in their respective kata and kumite divisions. Chelmsford’s Martin Lawrence, 2nd Dan won Bronze in the men’s -75kg kumite, as well as winning Gold in Team Kata with Samuel Parker (Tilbury) and Sensei Richard. 16 year old black belt Jade Green from South Ockendon also had success with a Bronze win for Kata.

