Club Events News

We did it!

Great news everyone!

We’re just waiting on the final bit of sponsorship money from the bike ride to come in (£20) and then we have reached our target!

We’ve already started the process of putting our order in for the new mats so fingers crossed we’ll have them in the dojos within the next 2 weeks.

A huge thanks to everyone who took part on the day and to those who sponsored our riders with your generous donations. I’m working on a little video that will go up onto our YouTube page soon. It’s taking a little longer than I thought as I’m still waiting on video footage and photos from a few people but as soon as I have it all I can get it finished and upload it for all of you to see.

The “THANK YOU” page will be up on the site in a few days so be sure to keep a look out.

Once the mats have arrived we’ll get some fun pictures of all the students in action on them!


Our fantastic riders after their 39 mile long journey through all the Seitou Ryu Karate dojos


