
Thank you everyone!

Our project is now complete and our dojos now have 200 brand new training mats. It’s been a long journey and our club members and parents worked particularly hard riding 40 miles through all of our dojos to help raise the £2,280 needed to buy the mats.

We reached our target on 25th July 2013 and had to go through quite a long process for getting the mats ordered and shipped from China. They finally arrived at the port in Felixstowe where we picked them up and delivered them to the Wickford and South Ockendon dojos on 19th September.

Samuel Parker & Katy Bromfield helped deliver the mats to all the dojos.
Here’s the first 100 delivered to the Wickford Dojo

That’s a lot of mats at South Ockendon Dojo! 2.5 metres high! (Katy is 5’4″)


It didn’t take the students long to get stuck in with the new mats, as you can see they’ve been put to good use already!

Students from South Ockendon dojo putting the mats to a good first use with a hard and sweaty training session!

Students at the Grays dojo warming up for a session on the mats on Saturday morning

We’re working on a little video which will be released soon but in the meantime, we’d like to thank everyone who was involved in and donated to our fundraising project, and we’d like to make a special mention to the following people who made significant donations.

Aaron Cray, Adrian Long, Andrew Herring, Angie Watson, Charles Lambert, Chris Shepherd, Damien Kingsley-Tomkins, David Ali, Dawn Shepherd, Nathan Barnett, Hayley Wingrove, Iain Abernethy, Ian Burberry, Ilana Brink, James Lockhart, Jane & John Lawrence,  Kaizen Ryu Karate, Kurt Collins, Maggie Nicol, Mark Chessher, Mark Williamson, Michéle Hang Hong, Mick Simmonds, Members of the Royal British Legion South Ockendon, Richard Hang Hong, Roy Waterhouse, Simon Harker, Steve Dennis, Susan Humphreys, Tadas Pilka, Veronica Hicks, Yamin Mustafa.


From all the club members of Seitou Ryu Karate and the participants of the Inter-Dojo Bike Ride

Richard Hang Hong, Caroline Hang Hong, Alvin Shaw, Alfie Thompson, Charles Lambert, Charlie Meggs, Connor Frost, Damien McMahon, Danny Fear, Emma Ludkins, Helen Papandreopoulos, Jacquie Frost, Jack Fry, Jaiye Akinosho, Jessica Flatman, Kim Mandy, Kylie Mandy, Marc Jordan, Martin Lawrence, Megan Homer, Mick Simmonds, Mike Homer, Peter Thompson, Ronnie Thompson, Samuel Parker, Sarah Homer,  Tatum Mandy, Tommy Ludkins, Zoe Nolan

Riders of the 2013 Inter-Dojo Bike Ride after their 39 mile long journey through all the Seitou Ryu Karate dojos





Club Events News

We did it!

Great news everyone!

We’re just waiting on the final bit of sponsorship money from the bike ride to come in (£20) and then we have reached our target!

We’ve already started the process of putting our order in for the new mats so fingers crossed we’ll have them in the dojos within the next 2 weeks.

A huge thanks to everyone who took part on the day and to those who sponsored our riders with your generous donations. I’m working on a little video that will go up onto our YouTube page soon. It’s taking a little longer than I thought as I’m still waiting on video footage and photos from a few people but as soon as I have it all I can get it finished and upload it for all of you to see.

The “THANK YOU” page will be up on the site in a few days so be sure to keep a look out.

Once the mats have arrived we’ll get some fun pictures of all the students in action on them!


Our fantastic riders after their 39 mile long journey through all the Seitou Ryu Karate dojos





Fundraising project news!


We are pleased to announce that after searching for more suppliers for the mats in an effort to to get a better price, we had a stroke of luck and found a supplier that has the mats we wanted at a much lower price. So much so that when we have reached our target, we will be able to buy DOUBLE the amount of mats! Yes! That’s 200 mats we’re going to be ordering once we reach our target!
This means that South Ockendon and Grays dojos will now get matted out in the next few weeks.

“So why not just get 100 mats?”
The mats are being imported from overseas (hence the lower cost) and have to be collected by freight courier. Our long term goal has always been to get each of our dojos matted so now we are able to achieve this goal much earlier than planned.

We still need to reach our target as the total cost of the mats including freight costs is £2,286 (£6 more than our original target) so please keep sending in your sponsorship for all the riders who took part in the Inter-Dojo Bike Ride last Saturday by clicking the link below or in your local class.