Articles Articles by Richard Hang Hong

Interview with Shihan Paul Coleman

Shihan Paul Coleman
7th Dan JKF Goju Kai & Goju Ryu Karatedo Seiwakai
Head Instructor of Oxford Karate Academy

RHH: Hi Shihan, please can you tell our readers who you are and what you do?

PC: I am a Goju practitioner having began martial arts training in the 60s, with my start in Goju being 1974. I teach karate as a professional.

RHH: What is your current grade and title(s)?

PC: I have a 7th Dan in All Japan Karate-Do Seiwakai, I also have a 7th Dan In the Japan Karate Federation Goju Kai and a Kyoshi certification.

RHH: When did you start training, where and who with?

PC: I started Judo, boxing and karate in the 60s and took up Goju in October 1974 under James Rousseau, who was a 5th Dan representing the group under Morio Higaonna.

RHH: What got you started in the martial arts?

PC: Not sure really. I remember seeing Enter The Dragon and thought “WOW! I want to do some of that”

As a kid I had no big brothers and was bullied. I went to the boxing gym where the bullies trained and there was my chance to spar one on one without four of them ganging up on me.

RHH: Do/did you ever compete?

PC: Many times!

RHH: Any particular highlights during your competitive career?

PC: I have competed and officiated in various competitions including:-

• 1975 BKCC All styles, Belle Vue, Manchester Official

• 1980 Leopoldsburg Belgium Silver Team WUKO kumite

• 1981 IOGKF World Championships Okinawa Japan Silver Team WUKO kumite

• 1981 EKF Championships at Aston Villa Silver Team Kata

• 1982 Italia Coppa Internazionale Miyagi Chojun Italy Silver Team WUKO kumite

• 1982 All Styles Open Tournament Gold individual Kata

• 1982 B.K.K. Knockdown Crystal Palace Competitors medal (I got disqualified!)

• 1983 Campionato Europeo Karate Goju-Ryu Italy Bronze Team WUKO kumite

• 1984 Coupe Miyagi France Gold Team WUKO kumite

• 1984 All Styles Open Tournament Gold individual Kata

• 1989 Miyagi Chojun Festival San Diego California USA Gold individual Iri-Kumi

• 1990 Miyagi Chojun Festival San Diego California USA Gold individual Iri-Kumi

• 1990 Miyagi Chojun Festival San Diego California USA Silver Team Iri-Kumi

• 1991 Mid-West Karate Tournament Bronze Team Kata

• 1991 Mid-West Karate Tournament Gold Team WUKO kumite

• 1991 IOGKF World Championships Okinawa Japan Gold individual Iri-Kumi

• 1992 IOGKF, European Championships France. Silver Team Iri-Kumi

• 1992 IOGKF, European Championships France. Bronze individual Iri-Kumi

• 1997 EKGB National Children’s Championships Kata judge

• 1998 EKGB National Senior Championships Kata judge

• 1998 EKGB National Junior Championships Kata judge

• 1999 EKGB National Senior Championships Kata judge

 I have entered numerous other events, too many to mention.

RHH: That’s an impressive record, what are your favourite techniques?

PC: Front leg left mawashi geri, as you may well know <laughs> and left jodan uri uchi.

(NB: On the first occasion that Shihan Paul and I got to spar, he knocked me out with his front mawashi geri)

RHH: Favourite kata?

PC: It fluctuates between Sepai and Kururunfa. Currently Kururunfa, but working mainly on Suparinpei, Sanchin and Tensho.

RHH: Would you say that you are a kata person or a kumite person?

PC: I am a karate person!

RHH: Who was your hero growing up?

PC: As a kid nobody, then Bruce Lee, Mohammed Ali and I liked Mike Tyson for his ferocity. My all time favourite boxer was “Marvellous” Marvin Hagler.

RHH: What’s the best thing about being a karate teacher?

PC: Seeing others develop. Kids that grow in confidence and adults too. Seeing people with a higher self-esteem.

RHH: And the worst?

PC: Seeing a student with SO much latent talent walk away from something they could be great in.

RHH: What’s your greatest achievement to date?

PC: I guess 7th Dan was a high, winning gold in California in 1989. But like you, being a daddy and seeing my children come into this world.

RHH: Who has influenced you the most in your karate?

PC: Many have influenced me. In the past I had James Rousseau, who made simple things interesting and difficult things seem easy, he was a good teacher. Then my time was divided between Len Sim and George Andrews. Len helped a lot with my kata and George made me a stronger, more determined character and developed my fighting instinct. Morio Higaonna was inspirational for his sheer tenacity and passion. Leo Lipinski has changed a lot of basics and given a new depth to them, by making them more applicable, thanks to his teachers Shuji Tasaki and Seiichi Fujiwara, who have given me enormous guidance this past 2 decades. I was fortunate enough to have technical help in kata by Akira Shiomi Hanshi, who is a genius at kata.

RHH: What are your plans for the future?

PC: To help others grow and develop and hope that I can still achieve a deeper understanding as a human being, a father and a karate teacher. Oh! And husband, or I get into trouble! <laughs>

RHH: Finally, any words of wisdom for our readers?

PC: Treat others as you would like to be treated. Be a person that you like from within and shine some light on others that you may be fortunate to share time with.

RHH: Thank you for your time Shihan. Domo arigato gozaimashita.

PC: Osu, Take care and bless you and your family.

Sensei Richard Hang Hong with Shihan Paul Coleman


Club Events News South Ockendon Dojo

“No Gi” Class Returns!


After a 3 year break, IT”S BACK by popular demand!

This practical, hands on training session is not for the faint hearted!


This session will be covering:

• Applied kihon training

• Pad training that will tire you out more than any other session!

• Close quarter techniques for self defence including stand-up and on the ground

• Dealing with multiple opponents

• Flow & Resistance training

• Non-compliance partner drills

• Non-Sport orientated Kumite

Drinks at the bar after the session is over!


• Your regular every day clothes including trainers (something loose and comfortable that you don’t mind getting messy in or concerned if it gets damaged/ripped e.g. sweatshirt/hoody and tracksuit pants)

• Sparring gear (mitts, shin guards, mouth guard & a head guard if you have one)

• A drink and a towel


(Some 13-14yrs club members may be permitted to attend at Sensei Richard’s discretion)


Advance booking required

• £10 SRK Members (Silver & Gold discounts apply)

• £15 Non-Members



WHEN? Monday 26th November 2012

TIME? 7.30pm – 9.30pm

WHERE? South Ockendon Dojo, Royal British Legion, Faymore Gardens, RM15 5NN

Book your place via our Facebook Event page

Any questions please contact Richard Hang Hong on 07899 827 476



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