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New Class Times



• Mondays @ South Ockendon: NO CHANGE

6.45pm – 7.45pm. Juniors (all grades)
8pm – 9.30pm. Adults (all grades)

• Tuesdays @ Wickford: NO CHANGE

6pm – 7pm. Juniors (all grades)
7.15pm – 8.45pm. Adults (all grades)

• Wednesdays @ West Thurrock

5.45pm – 6.45pm. Juniors (white – orange belt)
7pm – 8pm. Juniors (green belt & above)

• Thursdays @ Wickford: NO CHANGE

6pm – 7pm. Juniors (all grades)
7.15pm – 8.45pm. Juniors & Adults (Brown & Black Belts)

• Fridays @ South Ockendon

5.45pm – 6.45pm. Juniors (white – orange belt)
7pm – 8pm. Juniors (green belt & above)
8pm – 9.30pm. Adults (all grades)

• Saturdays @ Grays

9am – 10am. Fit2Fite
10.15am – 11.15am. Mixed: Juniors & Adults (white – orange belt)
11.30am – 12.30pm. Mixed: Juniors & Adults (green belt & above)

Intermediate & advanced grades (green belt and above) will be able to attend the beginners class in addition to the intermediate class on the same night at no extra cost.

Beginners (white – orange belts) may only attend the class appropriate to their level.

If you have any questions please leave a comment or contact us on 07899 827 476.



Articles Articles by Richard Hang Hong Blog Home International Events News Seminars

Japan 2017

Every summer karate people from around the world gather together for the annual Seiwakai International Training Camp and the JKF Goju Kai Seminar and Championships in Japan. The Seiwakai training camp lasts for 7 days, is held in Omagari, Daisen City (Northern Japan, Akita Prefecture) and is taught by Seiichi Fujiwara Hanshi, 8th Dan and President/Chief Instructor of the association. The JKF Goju Kai seminar and subsequent championships is 4 days long and is held in a different location in Japan each year. This year’s events were held in Wakayama (Mid-Southern Japan, Kansai region, about 4 hours by Shinkansen from Tokyo).

I have been traveling to Japan every year since 2011 and it is one of the highlights of my karate calendar and I’m always excited to go back every single time. If you want to know why, check out the video on the Seitou Ryu Karate Facebook page or YouTube, crank the volume up to 11 and enjoy.

Welcome to Japan

I landed a couple of days before training was due to start so that I had some time to acclimatise and get by body clock on track, but despite taking a direct flight to make my traveling a little easier, I found that the hustle and bustle of being in a big city still bothers me. There’s so much to see and do in Tokyo and so many people that it can be a little overwhelming on the senses, so I just plug in my earphones and put on some tunes to drown out the noise. Within a day though my mind is calming down and used to the pace of life around here and I’m ready to start training soon.

The weather in the north of Japan had taken a turn for the worse with many people struggling to get to Omagari from any direction. Floods on multiple routes meant that even those who flew to Akita (the nearest airport) were unable to get there when they had originally planned. Thankfully by the afternoon, the trains were running again and I managed to catch the Shinkansen, arriving safely in Omagari the evening before training was due to begin. 

Day 1 of the Seiwakai Training Camp

In the morning session stances were a main focus point, Fujiwara Hanshi made sure that we were using them correctly in both stationary positions for stability and grounding as well as for movement. A little kata followed; Sanchin, Tensho, Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni and Saifa. Good training as always and a pleasure to train alongside my Seiwakai brethren from around the world. I think there were over 100 people there and it’s always nice to get to know the new ones and catching up with old friends over the week-long training.

By the end of day one I was already feeling sore. Although the training was fairly basic and nothing overly complicated, it was pretty much non-stop which I thoroughly enjoyed. The afternoon session covered Sanseru, Kururunfa and Seisan with just enough detail to rack your brains around. Fujiwara Hanshi gave us some very good technical points and some conceptual ideas for bunkai study too.

Day 2

My body hadn’t quite been able to catch up to Japan time yet so I was feeling exhausted before we even started. I discovered some quirky little drinks called D8 and D11 which helped a lot, especially the latter in the afternoon session.

Fujiwara Sensei went into more detail on a variety of kata, including a number of subtle nuances that could easily be missed but were very important to know. Working on Sanchin in groups with 4 of the seniors leading the way so that we could watch, learn and do our best to mimic was really good. Thank you to Shihans Des Tuck (USA), Rastislav Mráz (Slovakia), Jamie Duggan (Australia) and Rod Martin (Australia) for showing their expertise today.
Tensho, Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, Saifa in the morning followed by Shisochin, Seisan and Kururunfa in the afternoon. Connecting many of the techniques and principles with a mixture of pair work drills including kakie which I thoroughly enjoyed. The kata bunkai study was interesting and nice to see that many of the applications we practiced today were ones that I have already been doing which reinforced that I’m on the correct path. A real pleasure to see some of the Japanese juniors training today, as they demonstrated their kata it made me feel inspired at how hard they work and seeing such high standards. Definitely, ones for my own students to see and work towards.

Day 3 

Finally got my body clock on track so it was all in for today’s training. Started with a light hammering on our basics, legs felt really heavy by the end after kicking for what felt like an eternity. Really enjoyed the Sanchin and Tensho training, connecting the basics within them and reinforcing them with additional movement drills. Briefly touched on Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni, Saifa and then finally Seiyunchin which my legs did not enjoy very much. I was surprised at how quickly the morning session passed. Probably because I was enjoying it more due to having more energy.

The afternoon session consisted of kata training (Seipai, Seisan, and Kururunfa) with lots of partner work to help everyone understand the principles of movement and applications. I had the pleasure of working with one of the Slovakians who did really well and we quite enjoyed giving each other a few digs throughout.

Day 4 

After an enjoyable rest day followed by the Seiwakai Sayonara Party in the evening which left a few people worse for wear in the morning you could see plenty of tired faces struggling through the training at the start and as the day went on. Weirdly enough I had quite the burst of energy which lasted throughout most of the day. It felt good to be training in the Budokan for one of the days as the previous 3 days of training in the solid floor of the gymnasium had been battering my knees and ankles.

Training was hot and sweaty throughout. I think Fujiwara Hanshi said that in Omagari today was the hottest day so far, we certainly felt the heat! A little kihon practice to keep everybody sharp and also to sweat out some of last night’s indulgences. More work on Sanchin, Tensho, Seiyunchin, Sanseru, Kururunfa, and Seisan with a fair amount of bunkai and partner work throughout.

A number of Fujiwara Hanshi’s students were training with us today and we were also visited by the Mayor of Daisen City who was very happy to see us all. The juniors here are impressive to watch and quite inspiring to see how hard they work and the level of focus they have. When it’s time to train they’re 100% in, then switch to being a child and having a wail of a time, laughing, joking with their friends during the breaks and after training. The body was wearing pretty thin towards the end of the day so I’m glad I had my foam roller to help work out the knots and tight spots so that I’m fresh(ish) for the next day.

Day 5

The aches, pains, and fatigue from 5 hours a day of training finally kicked in for many people. Energy levels were pretty low so Fujiwara Hanshi surprisingly went fairly easy on us throughout. A hot a humid day (31°C and 74% humidity) so we were all dripping early on and had to regularly mop the floor. After working on Sanchin and Tensho again in the morning everybody was split into grade relevant groups to work on their kata. After having done only a little Seipai practice up to this point it was good to get stuck in. One thing that was quite noticeable was how much uniformity we all had within our group. For such a large international group that is spread far and wide everyone was pretty similar aside from a few technical and timing points. Got a gold nugget of info from Scott Read (Australia) which helped a lot so I returned the favour with one of my own which did the same.

Day 6 


The last training day in Omagari and exhaustion finally caught up to me and took over so I ended up missing part of the morning training which consisted of Sanchin and Tensho practice, with a fortunate few getting shime tested too. More group kata practice followed for the rest of the morning. We had a pretty well-focused group working on Seipai and I particularly enjoyed working with fellow Brit Joanna Britton and Australians Scott Read and Chris McKenna the last few days.

The afternoon session was brief, with each grade group going up to perform their kata in front of Fujiwara Hanshi as a pre-testing training before the main grading that followed.

Gradings here are closed so no spectators meaning that those who weren’t testing could relax a little earlier whilst those who were would expectedly be feeling a little more of the nerves and pressure. By the evening everyone had heard the results for all but the highest Dan grades who would find out if they passed or not in a few days.


Seiwakai Training Camp 2017

Day 7 (we’re now in Wakayama)

It was a scorching day at the JKF Goju Kai Seminar. 27°C at 7am and training didn’t even start until 10am. It hit 34°C by lunchtime and I was glad the dojo was a bit cooler. On arriving I was bit shocked to find I was weighing in at over 1.5kg for my kumite category (-75kg) so had to make sure I trained extra hard to burn things off as I was told that I would be disqualified if I was not within the limit at the official weight check in 2 days time.

Training went well. A few classical Goju warm up and supplementary exercises from Takegawa Sensei to start us off, followed by a brief-ish run through of Gekisai Dai Ichi, Gekisai Dai Ni and Saifa. Sanchin training which strangely felt shorter than usual but I did have a good time working with fellow Brit Jerry Kelly as we checked each other with a little shime. Picked up lots of information on Seiyunchin from Muramatsu Sensei and Sato Sensei. Probably a kata I have neglected practicing as much recently so it felt good to knuckle down on it and polish off the rusty bits. Wrote down a bucket load of notes to take back to my students.

After lunch we split into groups for specific kata practice. I was really happy to get to study under Sato Sensei, he’s one of my favourite JKF Goju Kai instructors. I’ve been wanting to get some major study and focus on Seipai and I got it in droves with him today. My head was hurting a little bit from all of the information and also separating the variations too.

Day 8

The last training session of the JKF Goju Kai Seminar was a short one, only 2 hours. But Takegawa Sensei still managed to pack loads into the session. Sanchin and Tensho to start with, followed by split groups for kata practice. I thought I had more than enough information from the previous day’s session with Sato Sensei but I still picked up quite a few big nuggets to help me refine my kata. I really enjoy the multiple ideas and viewpoints that each instructor brings, it’s just a shame that the training is only for 2 days.

By the end of the day the hard training had paid off and I finished up nearly half a kilo under the weight limit I had to be careful for the next 12 hours or so. In a last-ditch effort to keep the weight under the limit for the tournament, I took a nice run to Wakayama Castle and back with a little stopover to say goodbye to an old friend.

JKF Goju Kai Seminar (Wakayama)

Game Day

The JKF Goju Kai All Japan Karatedo Championships is a pretty big tournament with well over 1,000 competitors across 12 tatami. The last time I competed here was in 2012 but I was only doing kata, this time I was entering both kata and kumite.

After a successful weigh in the morning and the opening ceremony it was time to rehydrate and refuel in preparation for my events but unfortunately, it was too little too late. Shitei round for everyone meant that the 22 competitors in our division had to perform Seiyunchin. I felt that I started off pretty strong but then the dehydration earlier caused both calves to cramp up one after the other, causing a stumble which cost me a few points and resulting in a low score, not the worst but still pretty low. A good experience though and learned a few lessons for next time.

In the kumite event I had a close match in the opening round, finishing up 3-2 to my opponent and both of us getting some good shots in on each other. Although I didn’t win my fight I did have an absolute blast as I got to fight my friend Yuki whom I last competed against in 2012. For my first time competing in kumite in Japan I feel pretty good about it all. The judging and refereeing were fair and consistent and the quality of the fighters was definitely what I feel I could go up against to give me a good strong challenge and help me improve my game so I’ll definitely be heading back next year fitter, better and stronger. 

Overall it was an enjoyable and educational day of competing with Team GB and our worldwide Seiwakai brethren. Although I didn’t place I’m not disappointed as I learned plenty and had a very positive experience. The biggest lesson for me that I’ll avoid next time is not trying to cut weight so quickly, I’ve not done it before and I don’t think I’ll do it again.

As with every trip, this year’s Japan journey was full of friendship, excitement, laughter, tears, a few bumps and bruises and an abundance of lessons learned. There’s something to be said about the immersion when you’re out here, there are very few if any distractions to get in the way of focusing on training and learning and it helps you to be able to take on board so much more. Bringing the information back to share with my students and also to help me along my own journey makes this an absolute must. So many great memories and I’m already looking forward to next year for the training camp in Omagari then not having to travel so far for the seminar and championships in Akita.

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Gasshuku 2016: Final checklist

24 hours to go until the big weekend! I’m looking forward to seeing you all there, we have 70 people attending over the 2 days so it should be pretty busy.

In case you’re doing any last minute panicking about what to bring, here is a list of helpful tips to get you through the camp. Not all of these are on the gasshuku pack and it’s a long list so please check all of the information detailed below. Veterans of the gasshuku (i.e. those who have attended multiple camps), if you have any suggestions to add please leave a comment on the Facebook event page. Thanks.

1) Arrival on Saturday should be between 8am – 8.30am to ensure ample time to check into your rooms and prepare for the first training session. Room allocations have been arranged into suitable groups: Adult Male, Adult Female, Junior Male, Family Male, Family Female. You will find your names on the door of each room.

Those who are not staying overnight will have a room to leave your bags during the day and between sessions.

2) Please help to set up and put away the mats for each session. Everyone should be in the dojo at least 20 minutes before the session is due to start.

3) Non-training attendees are welcome to join in the Fit2Fite session on Sunday if you wish.

4) Remember that we are guests on site and everyone is a representative of Seitou Ryu Karate. Please ensure that your behaviour and actions throughout the weekend are appropriate.

5) At the end of the weekend please make sure you leave the site in the state it was in when you arrived. All rooms should be cleared of all belongings and rubbish. Even if the rubbish is not yours, the room is your collective responsibility. Treat it like you would your own home.




• 2 Gis (1 per day). Those who are testing, having a 3rd separate gi can also be useful and more comfortable (i.e. not sweaty) for grading.

• Sparring gear (mitts/gloves, leg pads, mouth guard, groin guard, chest guard)

• Strike/kick pads (if you have them).

• Workout clothes for Fit2Fite session.

• Training towel (2 is recommended)

• Club t-shirt and hoody

• Spare clothes for walking around the wooded areas)

• Towel & toiletries.

• Any relevant medication (asthma pump, hay fever tablets, etc)

• Bedding for overnighters (Pillow, blanket/sleeping bag).

Other useful things:

• Car pool where possible. This will save space in the car park and it’s also quite fun travelling together to share the experience of the gasshuku weekend.

• Bring a portable phone charger (there are no power outlets in the rooms so if you have a spare battery to charge your phone this is very handy).

• Camera (take lots of pictures and use ‪#‎SRKgasshuku2016‬ on FB & Instagram. Please tag me and/or Seitou Ryu Karate in any posts too)

• First aid kit (plasters, tape, hot/cold spray)

• Torch

• Isotonic drinks (i.e. Lucozade sport)

• Drink bottle

• Sun cream, sunglasses, hat

• Snacks to keep your energy up for training: Bananas, Jaffa cakes, Energy tablets/pouches, etc.

• Money for tuck shop. They have drinks and a small selection of sweets and snacks.



Directions and travel

Please ensure that all members of your group are aware that Belchamps is signposted from Main Road and should be accessed via Poplars Avenue, turning left onto Woodside Chase then right onto Holyoak Lane. Mount Bovers Lane is an unmade road and is unsuitable for motor vehicles so please do not use this road. On arrival at Belchamps please switch off your radio and adhere to the 5mph site speed limit. Please encourage car sharing where possible to help minimise the number of vehicles coming to the campsite.

Access to your site

Depending on the weather conditions and ground conditions you may or may not be able to drop off kit to your site. If we deem the ground conditions to be poor we’ll provide a trailer service to get your kit to site please work with us in these circumstances.


Once unloaded all vehicles should be parked in the main car park

Noise curfew

We would like to request that you and your group respect fellow campers, staff and our neighbours by keeping all noise to an absolute minimum between 10:30pm and 7:30am. You will be issued with a copy of our site rules and fire procedure on arrival.

Expected behaviour of your group

· We expect all group leaders to manage their own groups behaviour and conduct.

· We do not expect swearing from anyone on site.

· Smoking around the site is strongly discouraged. There is a smoking shelter near reception, please ask at reception for the exact location. PLEASE DO NOT smoke outside the front entrance. We ask that everyone respect the campsite and other campers and that your group are well supervised.

· Even in hot weather shirts must be worn by all adults around site.

Our shop has the same opening times as reception and on sale are a large range of sweets, drinks, souvenirs and essential camping supplies. Please find attached the current offers we have in our shop and for our activities.

Saturday 09:00 – 17:00

Sunday 09:00 – 17:00


When running your own onsite or offsite wide games please ensure no markings or directions are left once you have finished your game. Please avoid marking the surrounding roads and street.


Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to seeing you all on Saturday.


Sensei Richard