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Resignation from Seiwakai

To all of my friends in Seiwakai

After 16 years as a member, it’s with a heavy heart and greet sadness that on Monday 4th March I made the decision to resign from Seiwakai along with Caroline and our dojo of 150+ students. My letter of resignation was sent to Fujiwara Hanshi and Vassie Shihan.

I am incredibly grateful to all of the instructors that I’ve had the privilege to learn from thank them for all of the opportunities and experiences they brought to me and our students.

To all of my friends in Seiwakai whom I consider my extended karate family, none of this changes our relationship and I sincerely hope that we can continue to stay in touch and meet in the dojo whenever our paths cross. I wish you all the very best in your karate journey.

So until we meet again.

Respectfully yours,

Richard Hang Hong