Gradings News

Mother and daughter grading success

Over 200 karateka attended the Seiwakai European Seminar in London this weekend

Congratulations to Sensei Kim Mandy and Sempai Tatum Mandy who were both successful in the Seiwakai and JKF Goju Kai grading tests in London this weekend. Results as follows:

Kim Mandy

2nd Dan Goju Ryu Karatedo Seiwakai
1st Dan JKF (Japan Karatedo Federation) Goju Kai

Tatum Mandy

1st Dan Goju Ryu Karatedo Seiwakai
1st Dan JKF (Japan Karatedo Federation) Goju Kai

Kim and Tatum were a mother/daughter team who trained exceptionally hard over the course of the 2 days training. Association gradings are typically closed affairs but Sensei Richard was able to sit and watch their Seiwakai tests on Saturday and to be a part of their the JKF Goju Kai tests as the kumite referee on Sunday.

We are all very proud of their success and that they represented Seitou Ryu Karate with great spirit throughout.

A mother and daughter team to be reckoned with.